1. Planning


View the entire  “Deep Dive” episode by using the following links.

Please answer the following questions based on the videos and your understanding of the Engineering Design Process (EDP).

- What was the problem the engineers at IDEO were asked to solve?

The engineers at IDEO were asked to solve the issue of the lack of safety in shopping carts.

- Name two constraints that they had to deal with.

The team had to deal with a 5-day time constraint and the cost could not be too much

- What were two of the major concerns/issues the teams discovered from their research?

The shopping carts could travel quickly in the presence of the wind and the child seats were considered unsafe by customers.

- IDEO uses several methods, processes and ideas to generate alternative solutions.  What two principles or approaches appealed to you the most? Why?

The principle that one should stay focused on the topic because straying from the topic may result in a waste of time and no work is done. Failing often can be good as one will be able to find out what is wrong and so can succeed faster.

- How were the possible solutions prototyped and tested?

The team encouraged wild designs before voting on those that could be built in a day. They then made prototypes of each solution and demonstrated these designs before compiling the best elements of each design into the final prototype.

- Was there a redesign step in the IDEO project? What was the final outcome?

There was a redesign step in the IDEO project. The final outcome was a cart that had a modular design, and wheels that could turn at 90º to allow shopping carts to move in tight spaces.

1.2 Assignment of roles 

Project Manager | Joshua Tan

Drivetrain Engineer Tan Zhi En

Wheel Engineer Pang Cheng Feng

Chassis Engineer Lim Wei Feng

1.3 Brainstorming

Engineering Goals
Develop a MouseTrap Car with the following specifications: 
Uses only the MouseTrap provided as the only energy source 
Has a maximum length of 30 cm, with of 10 cm, and a height of 10 cm
Can travel a minimum distance of 5 meters carrying an egg (the egg will be provided by the teacher)
All time-lines have to be adhered  

1st idea

2nd idea

3rd idea

LIST ANY KEY TERMS OR ISSUES THAT CAME UP DURING BRAINSTORMING.  This does not have to be neat or even organized. It gives you a way to keep track of any idea you may have had. Include separate notes, google sketches, etc. if you have them. (Attach separate sheets if needed)

5.7 Bibliography

1.4 Decision Making Matrix 

1.5 Design rationale and notes 


- CDs reduce the weight of the car
- Tape increases friction, allowing car to move further

Lever arm

- A longer arm results in greater moment, giving a larger force when the mousetrap is shut, so the car will be able to move further. 

Chassis Material

- A strong and light material (wood) to reduce the weight of the car and be able to hold the mousetrap without breaking.

Chassis Shape

- Thin to reduce air resistance but wide to hold the mousetrap

Location of Mousetrap

- All the way at the front to produce a greater moment, increasing the distance.


- Hexagonal-shaped pencils to increase grip of the string on the axle, 

String type and attachment

- Cotton twine has a rougher surface than nylon, so more friction will be created, giving a tighter grip on the pencil (axle).

1.6 Materials used 

1.7 Preliminary Sketch (Using Google Sketchup) 

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